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John Baumeister

My Unofficial Dad Superpower

It took me a while to realize I had an unofficial dad superpower: I’m the "keys and wallet" guy. With three kids and my wife, I always thought someone else might step up now and then. It was amazing how irritated I used to get. No matter where we’re headed—whether it was a family outing or getting coffee—I was the one with the superhuman ability to always remember the essentials.

I’d quietly wonder, “Am I the only one who realizes we can’t leave the house without these things?” But over time, I came to see it differently. Everyone else had their own priorities, and somehow, I ended up being the guardian of the house / car keys and the money. It wasn’t intentional; it just… happened.

And then, like any true superhero, I embraced my role. Once I stopped viewing it as a burden, I found peace in knowing that this small task kept us moving. My incredible powers ensured we didn’t get locked out, could get into the car, and was never stranded without cash. It became part of my routine, and I leaned into it—maybe not with a cape, but definitely with a sense of pride.

This dad superpower, as I like to think of it, brings a certain level of calm. There’s comfort in knowing I’ve got it handled, and it helps the family flow smoothly without last-minute scrambles or forgotten items. It’s one of those small things, in my mind, that keeps the day running without a hitch.

Now, every time we walk out the door, I automatically grab the keys and wallet, embracing my dad-duty superpower. It’s just what I do, and honestly, it works for me.

Who knew? Every family needs a superhero, and apparently, I’m the guy with the keys to the kingdom—and the wallet to keep it running!

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