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John Baumeister

Set for Life

University of Illinois Roomates
Freshman triple dorm room with John on the far left

As the summer winds down, it’s that time of year again when kids head back to college, full of excitement, nerves, and the weight of all those expectations. A friend of ours recently mentioned her son is about to begin his freshman year at the University of Illinois, the same university where my wife and I studied. It brought back memories of my own time there, especially in the electrical engineering program. Back then, professors specifically told us we were part of an elite group of students, destined for success.

During our conversation, my friend mentioned how her son confidently told her that he was told by professors that attending Illinois meant he was "set for life." I could hear the pride in her voice, but it left me with some mixed emotions.

What does it really mean to be "set for life"? It’s a comforting thought, but I’ve learned that life doesn’t quite work that way. My education at Illinois gave me a strong foundation, but it didn’t prepare me for everything that came afterward. It didn’t show me how to start and grow a company for 20 years, leading a team of 50 people. It also didn't prepare me for the heartache of watching that company collapse during the recession of 2009.

More importantly, college didn’t prepare me for the challenges that life throws at us beyond the professional world. It didn’t equip me to handle the loss of my parents, nor did it guide me through the struggle of figuring out who I am and where I belong. My time at school, while valuable, didn’t shape me into the husband, father, and person I am today. That came through life’s experiences—the joys and the hardships, the successes and the failures.

So when I hear someone say they’re "set for life" because of where they’re going to school, I worry that they might be placing too much trust in a promise that life simply doesn’t offer. No university, not even one as great as Illinois, can guarantee success or shield us from the struggles ahead. The truth is, life is unpredictable, and the lessons we truly need often come from places we least expect.

College is an important chapter, but it’s just that—a chapter in a much longer story. We grow, we learn, and we find our way through the experiences that life brings, far beyond the walls of any classroom.

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